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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Beaded Cork

I don't drink.  I just don't like the taste of alcohol.  That said, I think certain bottles are cool looking and now, I think some wine corks are pretty!  My cousin, Deanna and her fiancé, Burkley, visited with us and suggested a bottle of wine to go with supper one night.  Greg said the wine was good, but I couldn't see why people drink the stuff.  But the cork is pretty!

I was going to throw the cork away, but decided on a whim, to bead the sides.  I also put a few rhinestones on the middle.  Sorry, the glue is still drying.  Yuck.  But you get the idea.  If I were to do this again, I'd start with an embroidery piece at the ends and work up the sides.

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